ازدواجيّة اللغة وتأثيرها على إنجازات الإلمام بالقراءة والكتابة
التقنيّات التعليميّة
التعليم المختلط والإلمام بالقراءة والكتابة
اللغة الأكاديميّة
الكتابة في التعليم العالي
الخلفيّة الثقافيّة
الإصدارات الحاليّة
Makhoul, B., & Copti-Mshael, Th. (Under review). From kindergarten to fourth grade: Predicting reading comprehension difficulties amongst Arab children, Journal for Applied Psycholinguistics.
Makhoul, B., & Sabbah, K. (Under review). Academic Vocabulary Knowledge and Reading Comprehension Skills among Seventh Graders in Arabic as L1. Journal of Psycholinguistics Research.
Makhoul, B., Olshtain, E. (2018). Promoting comprehension skills via balanced-interactive intervention program. In Makhoul, B. & Olshtain, E. (Eds.). Linguistic development among Arab speakers in multilingual environment. Tel-Aviv: Mofet Institute. (In Hebrew)
Makhoul, B., Copti-Mshael, Th. (2018). Reading Comprehension as a Function of Text Genre and Presentation Environment: Comprehension of Narrative and Informational texts in a computer-assisted environment vs. print. In Makhoul, B. & Olshtain, E. (Eds.). Linguistic development among Arab speakers in multilingual environment. Tel-Aviv: Mofet Institute. (In Hebrew)
Makhoul, B., & Olshtain, E. (2018). Linguistic development of Arab speakers in multilingual environment. Tel-Aviv: Mofet institute