Dr. Amit Yashar

Head of Laboratory: Visual Attention and Cognition Lab

The Yashar Lab investigates visual perception and cognition, particularly, the processes, which determine how people detect and identify visual features and objects. Our goal is to understand how cognitive and brain capacities such as plasticity, attention, and memory can enhance visual perception in both typical and atypical populations – e.g. people with autism, visual impairments, and learning disabilities. We use various research methods, including psychophysics, eye tracking, and computational modeling.

  • Intersection of cognition and perception
  • The impact of learning and attention on visual perception
  • 2003  B.A in Behavioral Science, The Academic College of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • 2006  M.A in Cognitive Psychology, The School of Psychological Science. Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • 2013  PhD in The School of Psychological Science, Tel-Aviv University.
  • 2017  Postdoc in the labs of Marisa Carrasco, New York University.

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